Wednesday, November 21, 2007

I'm An Actress etc.

Sometimes, Excepting yourself is hard! Sometimes, you know who you are... but you deny it! I am an Actress and many other things. Being an actress is something that I am honored for.... I NEVER deny being an Actress!
" Sometimes in life, People wont except you for who you are. Never ever deny who you are because it shows that you're vulnerable. Always know that you will never change..... and dont let anyones words' get to you"
- Tal
During your life there will be times when you want to deny who you are. And you will think that the past is past and the future is the only thing important. In most cases, its true. If you want to do something positive, thinking about the future would be a good thing!
If you want to do something negative thinking about thinking about the past is bad because it encourages you to DO what you did in the past. All I'm saying is that things are different for everyone. There are different case-senarios about how you might do things. The thing you should do is: Stay focused on the goal you want to accomplish!
Believe in yourself and dont deny who you are. Everyone changes, so let people know that you have too! Dont let anyone be the boss of you and if you need advise always go to your parents, because in most cases 1. they give the best advise
and 2. they are the most honest people that you can turn to for anything!

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