Friday, November 30, 2007

I Cant Make Any Videos Update

I wont be able to make any live videos because my Webcam is not working, so I'm just going to stick to OneTrueMedia videos for now! Also I wont be posting my Monologue of The Week today because I cant use my camera so dont be expecting any videos for monologues! Another thing that I wanted you guys to know is that the deadlin of my questions is Saturday Night so please dont forget to send me your questions!!
{UPICK, TTGG Updates, Webshow News, Simply Tal, and Monologue of The Week HAVE BEEN DELAYED!!! Until:
1) I get my new digital camera OR
2) Until my webcam starts working again

Also I will start posting new episodes for Gossip Girl whenever I get the chance tooo!!!!!!!

Thursday, November 22, 2007

Gossip Girl Video Intro

This is a video from Me!
{Gossip Girl}

Wednesday, November 21, 2007


As I said in my videos, Popularity means many things!
1. It can mean that you are a good role model and that people just love being around you
2. It can mean that people suspect that you are doing the right thing so they follow what you do
3. It can mean that everyone knows you
4. It can mean that you are in "high class" at your school

There are so many different meaning to that one word "Popularity". Basically thats what everyone wants to be, so its important to think about it, but is it really a good thing to be. Is popularity a good thing??, Is being popular a good thing????

"Sometimes, people are born popular so they cant not be popular. But sometimes, people try to be popular! A word of advise: the more people try to become popular, the less popular they really are.... in most cases"

Popularity is a subject that everyone talks about, which is why I have decided to share my thoughts with you! By the way, if anyone needs advise visit:
also you may email me at:
Have a happy: Thanksgiving!!

I'm An Actress etc.

Sometimes, Excepting yourself is hard! Sometimes, you know who you are... but you deny it! I am an Actress and many other things. Being an actress is something that I am honored for.... I NEVER deny being an Actress!
" Sometimes in life, People wont except you for who you are. Never ever deny who you are because it shows that you're vulnerable. Always know that you will never change..... and dont let anyones words' get to you"
- Tal
During your life there will be times when you want to deny who you are. And you will think that the past is past and the future is the only thing important. In most cases, its true. If you want to do something positive, thinking about the future would be a good thing!
If you want to do something negative thinking about thinking about the past is bad because it encourages you to DO what you did in the past. All I'm saying is that things are different for everyone. There are different case-senarios about how you might do things. The thing you should do is: Stay focused on the goal you want to accomplish!
Believe in yourself and dont deny who you are. Everyone changes, so let people know that you have too! Dont let anyone be the boss of you and if you need advise always go to your parents, because in most cases 1. they give the best advise
and 2. they are the most honest people that you can turn to for anything!

Monologues Of The Week 11-21-07

Today I felt beautiful. Not the kind of all knowing beautiful, just beautiful like they say in the movies and in our dreams. When the guy is sitting at the bar talking to some other scum and saying,ֲ”Sheֲ’s so beautiful.ֲ” This is how I felt. I donֲ’t know what beauty is. I never really have gotten the lure of a girl with the crazy green eyes and reddish dyed hair hair. I always thought it was just because she was pretty. And everyone with a platonic brain over their necks for her knew that. But she was mad and mean. And she held nothing of value for me except the scattered words in her poems. There was something there though. And I donֲ’t know if he sees that something or if heֲ’s another one of those guys that sees her and wants to die with lust. I donֲ’t know these things. But I sit here trying to think all philosophically about it when I know that I am just another one of those people that can fall under spells. Like the rest of them. Fall under the spells of the starry eyes and then you forget that those people have no conscience. Theyֲ’ve been built up with big egos to look in mirrors and make themselves out to be fishes. And her. With her roses and raves and vegan food. I donֲ’t know. These things don't mean anything in the scheme of things. She needs to be untouchable. Like some face on a Versace advertisement. Like some girl on the cover of Teen. Mysterious, but you know the story behind her. Beauty. My mind is mixed up. Sometimes I wonder how people like him can be in love with people like her. How weֲ’re all obsessed with beauty. Weֲ’re all obsessed with trying. But sheֲ’s the girl who can wake up and still look gorgeous. Sheֲ’s the girl who tried so hard to get where she is and sheֲ’s still failing with anything and everything else but her looks. And I can see that. He canֲ’t.

Monologue #2 (From the Movie "A Cinderella Sory):

Austin (Chad Michael Murray): Okay, I know you think I'm just some...Sam: Coward? Phony?Austin: Okay, just listen.Sam: No, you listen. You turned out to be exactly who I thought you were. I never pretended to be somebody else. It's been me all along. And it was me who was hurt in front of everybody. Look, I didn't come here to yell at you, okay? I know what it feels like to be afraid to show who you are. I was. But not anymore. And the thing is, I don't care what people think about me... because I believe in myself. And I know that things are gonna be okay. But even though I have no family, and no job, and no money for college... it's you that I feel sorry for. (pause) I know that guy that sent those emails is somewhere inside of you, but, I can't wait for him... because waiting for you is like waiting for rain in this drought. Useless and disappointing.

Sunday, November 18, 2007

Tal's Bat Mitzvah The Movie: The road to becoming a women

As some of you might see on youtube, I made a few videos about My Bat Mitzvah Movie So check them out!!

Saturday, November 17, 2007

I Am Writing A Book

Hey Guys,
As some of you might know...
I am writing a book.
The book is a book mostly for girls.....
I cant tell you any details yet but it might get published at the end of 2009. I am working on it, everyday. And it will be sooo cool once its published!
If you have any questions:
Email me at: